Here’s advice about website strategy for small business owners looking to include a new mobile web design in their plan.
Prepare now for the future. Current fixed width website pages may pose problems for mobile device site visitors.
Serving adaptable website pages that resize for either desktop or mobile devices requires a minimalist approach to mobile web design.
Picasso recognized the concept of simple presentation as shown in the minimalist sculpture photograph here. It successfully communicated the meaning he intended at a glance.
A minimalist style of web design for mobile devices is similar.
You need to communicate simply, quickly, and effectively. Color, layout, and typography can combine for a pleasant and professional first impression, yet a minimalist approach will do that and enhance usability.
Site visitors to small business websites search for information before buying. They comparison shop. They want a site that is intuitive and easy to navigate to find the information they need to make a decision.
Usability is more important to overall user experience, so avoid large graphics, videos that autoplay, or long pages with detailed sales pitches. Keep in mind that slow page load times may annoy mobile users on set monthly data plans.
Potential customers are more likely to return if you provide a simple yet professional first look that is designed to easily find key information.
Visitors do stay based on first impression. Next, they will scan text headlines to confirm you offer the product or service they are considering. If what you offer is favorable at a glance, they will continue and read your content in more detail.
Keep text content brief, concise, and to the point. Keep paragraphs short. Avoid any content not related to your niche to enhance your position in search engine rankings.
The next goal is converting visitors from window shoppers to buyers. Your price, sales process, and contact information needs to be obvious and easy to find, as well.
Provide speed and usability to people viewing your website on a small mobile screen, and you increase your odds of making the sale. Following this advice about mobile website strategy for small business owners can make a difference in your online success.